Scratch Playground: Create a Scroller Game!


Course Description

Scratch Playground : Create a Scroller Game is an intermediate level course designed to teach kids the fundamentals of programming by creating a classic side-scrolling game. This course will help students build upon their Scratch programming skills, develop their creativity and problem-solving skills, and create a game that they can share with their friends.Throughout the course, students will learn how to create a Scroller game using Scratch programming language. They will learn how to design the game interface, animate the character's movement, add obstacles and enemies, and create a scoring system. The course is designed to be interactive and hands-on, allowing students to learn through building and testing their game at each stage,The course will cover key programming concepts such as events, loops, conditionals, and variables, and apply them to game development. The course will start with an introduction to Scratch programming and an overview of the Scratch interface. Then, students will learn how to design the game's graphics and create animationsLater in the course, students will learn how to program the character's movement, add obstacles and enemies, and create a scoring system. The course will also cover advanced topics such as adding power-ups and creating a boss battleBy the end of the course, students will have developed a fully functional Scroller game that they can share with their friends and family. They will have gained valuable programming skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and logical reasoning, which will help them to be successful in their future programming endeavorsScratch Playground 104: Create a Scroller Game is a perfect course for kids who are interested in game development and have some experience with Scratch programming. It's a great opportunity for kids to improve their Scratch skills, enhance their creativity, and create a game they can be proud of.,

Scratch Playground: Create a Scroller Game!
  • Per session$30
  • Lessons8
  • Duration1 hour
  • Price$240